Thursday, March 15, 2012

Spring Revival

Whoa, where have I been? We have moved deep into March since my last post. How'd that happen? Rest assured, I have not abandoned the project! But I will be candid and admit that I have done relatively little work on the project since my last post. I'm not sure sure why, but I think it had to do with being busier than usual, some days of not feeling so hot, splitting my time between 2 places, and from the mixture of all of these things, a subsequent loss of focus.

But I feel back on track now. Spring has definitely arrived, providing me with an incontrovertible visual reminder that I need to get crackin' on some of this stuff! Also, at a recent dinner meeting, a new colleague happened to mention a conference she attended at which an herbalist gave a presentation. I eagerly shared the herb-growing project that I've been gearing up for and in doing so, realized that I really do need to get back to work on it. No more slacking, and no more excuses.

I think in my last post I mentioned that I was going to be working on painting the herb containers, which hasn't happened. So, here's the plan moving forward:

1. I'm going to get a seed starter kit and the seed for the 3 herbs that I will actually be attempting to grow from seed (basil, chives, and parsley. It's recommended that you don't grow peppermint from seed).
2. I'm going to plant the suckers!
3. Once I have the planting done, then I'll get to work on preparing and painting the containers. Not much to prepare other than putting some drainage holes in the coffee cans. And then of course the painting will just be FUN. I think I can handle that!

I hope I haven't fallen behind too badly from my recent derailment, but I am determined to get back on course.

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